|>> Hi,
|>> I have a MS-DOS machine which needs to share a drive to Win XP
|>> machine. After reading quite a few messages, it seems installing a
|>> couple of files from Microsoft did the trick. But on running "net
|>> share" i get the following error :
|>> The SERVER service is not yet started.
|>> Is it ok to start it ?
|>> Service failed to initialize
|>> Error 2114: The Server service is not started.
|>> Is there a workaround to this.
|>> Thanks in advance,
|>> vivekian
Post by David H. LipmanYou need to run pure DOS with a NDIS2 stack.
Please define EXACTLY how you are setup.
This should include the version of DOS, and the contents of the CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT
files as well as the PROTOCOL.INI file.
Multi-AV -http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp
| The details are as follows :
| DOS Version : 7.10
| Microsoft DOS TCP/IP Protocol Driver 1.0a
| MS_DOS LAN Manager v2.1 NetBind
| Contents of Configy.sys :
| FILES=20
| device=c:\windows\ifshlp.sys
| device=c:\windows\himem.sys
| Contents of autoexec.bat
| @echo off
| rem mode co80,50
| rem mode mono
| set path=%path%;c:\net;c:\bin;c:\vim
| rem Load utilities.
| smartdrv /X
| doskey /insert
| rem Setup serial.
| mode com1 96,n,8,1
| rem Enable networking and map drives.
| call c:\net\neton.bat
| 4dos
| net share
| This is what i tried from my readings across Usenet. There seems to be
| two files which are used to update TCP/IP for MS-DOS. These are
| located at : ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/Clients/MSCLIENT
| I executed these and they overwrote the existing client. Next there is
| an update called wg1049.exe which is supposed to add share
| capabilities to the net command. Hope this information helps.
| Appreciate your response.
| Thanks,
| vivekian
There is NO NDIS2 driver being loaded in CONFIG.SYS.
This needs to be loaded and bound to the NIC via c:\net\protocol.ini
Your setup is incomplete.
Multi-AV - http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp